Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Orange/Lime Cilantro Salad Dressing

Yum! This dressing was fantastic.

I've never really given much thought to making my own salad dressing but I was reading through a raw food cookbook the other day and came across this one.

I'm a sucker for anything with cilantro in it so it only made sense to try it. My taste buds were too tempted to resist :)
I'm not a huge measurment person and I was making a one serving portion so I just guessed and added more of the things I liked the most. Here are the numbers for you sticklers:

Orange/Lime Cilantro Salad Dressing
from Raw Food Cleanse by Penni Shelton

1 Cup Cilantro
1/2 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/4 Cup Lime Juice
1/4 Cup Orange Juice
1 tsp Lime Zest
1/2 tsp Sea Salt, Black Pepper
Minced Garlic to taste

I juiced the orange and lime then added the olive oil, cilantro, salt, pepper and garlic to the juicer bowl and stirred. After that I added all of the ingredients to the Ninja (or Blender) and mixed until it was smooth. Mine turned out green with specks of cilantro.

It was amazing. I just added it to a large salad with Spinach, Kale, Onion, Roma Tom, Broccoli, Avocado, Almonds and Bell Peppers.

My breath smelled like cilantro and garlic :) and well worth it!

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